The most fascinating change in the Catalan language of the darrers anys is the paraulògic. Every day, thousands of people use a computer, a tablet or a phone to play games and learn our paragraphs. A success that does not stop growing, and that makes its authors willingly adapt to present our love for the language in a new format with enigmes, endevinalles and a sense of overflowing fun.
Whether you are an expert paraulist or a beginner, playing The Book of Paraulógic will teach you lots of curiosities about lots of interesting connections that you will discover for the first time. I also listened to talk about the phenomenon that has revolutionized the Catalan ludosphere and I learned infallible techniques to master this verbal deficiency. Els guimos d'avui l'admires.
There is an effort to politicize the judiciary to enclose it and, to the other band, there is a lack of interest to finance justice, which is under such a tremendous economic burden that it cannot function. Additional whip, the Government has only used the judicial system to its advantage by mitigating the application of administrative purposes during the state of alarm.
In addition to the book, hi has a joc on you have to find all possible paraules per a letres donades. The game is very popular and has more than a million players. Quan no trobeu totes les paraules, you can go to to see the answers.